Fender FT-1 Pro Clip-On Tuner, Black

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Convenient and unobtrusive, the FT-1 multi-function clip-on tuner helps ensure your instrument is always in tune, even on a dark stage. It handles noisy environments with ease thanks to its built-in vibration sensor. The LCD display’s easy-to-read needle indicates how close to pitch a note is, and the screen's backlight turns green once the note is in tune. The FT-1’s dual-hinge design allows you to mount the tuner on either side of your instrument's headstock.Compact, dual-hinged clip-on tuner
Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Violin and Chromatic tuning modes
Easy-to-read tuning needle; backlight turns green when note is in tune
Tuning Range B0 - B7; A440 calibration
Includes CR2032 battery